Privacy and Cookie Policy


in accordance with New European Regulation (GDPR)


We hereby provide information concerning the handling of personal user data for the website, collected during the use of this website. This informative document is provided in accordance with New European Regulation (GDPR) – Personal Data Protection Code – to the users who interact with the web functions accessible via telematics means at the address: This informative document is also been based on Recommendation n. 95/46/CE, specifically regulating personal data collection through the Internet, with the purpose to identify the minimum measures to be taken to ensure the lawfulness and loyalty of these actions to the persons concerned.


As a result of the navigation through the website, hereafter referred to as the WEBSITE, information relating to an identified or identifiable individual can be processed. The “Data Controller” is VG Chef di Vittorio Gagliano, hereafter referred to as the DATA CONTROLLER.


This informative document is provided for this WEBSITE only, and not for other external websites that may be visited by means of links included in this WEBSITE’s pages, sending the user to external domains, of which the DATA CONTROLLER is not responsible.


Processing of information related to the use of Web features of the WEBSITE (physically stored in servers connected to the Internet) is carried out at the headquarters of the DATA CONTROLLER, and only by employees, collaborators or persons in charge of processing, or persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations. No data collected through the WEBSITE navigation will be passed on or forwarded to third parties, who are not operating in relation to management, functioning and control of the WEBSITE’s functions. Personal information provided by users requesting dispatch of informative material is used only to perform the service or provision requested, and will be passed on to third parties only if that is necessary for that purpose, except as provided in chapter “optional provision of data”.


Browsing data During their ordinary course of operation, the IT systems and software procedures required to run this WEBSITE will acquire certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects but it, by its very nature, may identify users through the processing and matching of data held by third parties. This category of data includes, by way of example, the computer IP addresses and domain names of users who visit the site, as well as the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer of the user. This data is only used to gather anonymous statistical data concerning the WEBSITE use and to check that it is working correctly. The data may be made available by the DATA CONTROLLER to ascertain responsibility in the event of any hypothetical information technology crimes or for any requests from the judicial authorities. Data provided voluntarily by the user If the user communicates via email optionally, explicitly or voluntarily to the addresses indicated on this WEBSITE, and/or fills in data collection forms or other forms within the WEBSITE, the sender’s address and any other personal data included will then be acquired in order to reply to the requests. Specific information will be found on the pages of the WEBSITE relating to specific on-demand services.


Apart from what has been specified for browsing data, the user is free to provide his personal data in fill-in request forms or in contact messages, to request to receive informative materials and other notifications. Refusing to provide the data required may result in it being impossible to obtain the requested services/information. For the sake of completeness, it should be pointed out that the Authority can request any data and information in accordance with New European Regulation (GDPR), for the purpose of monitoring the processing of personal data. In this case, it is mandatory to reply, or an administrative sanction will be applicable.


If the user is required to choose a (username) and/or (password) to access protected areas of the WEBSITE, it is the user’s responsibility to keep this data confidential, and to immediately notify the DATA CONTROLLER about any use by unauthorized persons.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on the User’s device when visiting a website, allowing the website to recognize the User’s device. Cookies have several functions, including helping the user to browse through a website efficiently, recalling bookmarks, and providing an improved browsing experience. Based on their function and purpose, cookies are grouped into technical cookies, profiling cookies and third-party cookies. For more details about the COOKIES used on the WEBSITE, please refer to the COOKIES section.


Personal data handling is carried out with and without electronic or automatic, information and telematic tools, for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which the data were originally collected. Specific protective measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illegal or improper data use or unauthorized access in fulfillment of the obligations concerning the minimum safety measures. For the user’s convenience, the WEBSITE may include links to external websites, which are not owned or managed by the DATA CONTROLLER, who cannot be held liable for errors, contents, cookies, publication of immoral content, advertising, banners or files, which do not comply to the current legislation or to the Privacy Law, in these external websites.


Users who provided their personal data have the right to obtain confirmation, at any time, of the existence, or not, of their data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request that it is supplemented, updated or corrected (article 7 of the Legislative Decree n. 196/2003). In accordance with the same Article, the user also has the right to request to cancel, block or make anonymous any data which is being processed illegally. The user is also entitled to reject any handling of this data for legitimate reasons. In any case, the user will have the right, at any time, to withdraw his or her agreement to the processing of personal data, by sending a written notice without further formalities to the DATA CONTROLLER, to the address provided at the beginning of this document.


The DATA CONTROLLER reserves the right to update this Privacy Informative Notice at any time to adapt it to current provisions and improve it, taking into account suggestions put forward by customers, collaborators and users.



Cookies are small text files that are stored on the User’s device when visiting a website. On each subsequent visit cookies are re-sent to the site that originated them (first-party cookies) or to another website that recognises them (third party cookies). Cookies are useful because they allow websites to identify the user’s device. They have several functionalities, such as allowing the visitor to surf efficiently through pages, recalling bookmarked websites and, in general, improving the web browsing experience. Based on their function and purpose, cookies are grouped into technical cookies, profiling cookies and third-party cookies.


Technical cookies have the purpose to enable functions that are necessary to fully use all the features of the WEBSITE. These cookies allow to activate procedures which are based on several steps (subsequent pages, i.e. a contact request), allow to track the user’s preferences, in relation to the WEBSITE content to view, and to functionalities to activate or deactivate. This type of cookies are also used to record the user’s choice in relation to accepting cookies from the website. Essential cookies cannot be disabled when using the Website’s features. Technical cookies also include those cookies which are used to statistically measure accesses and visits to the website, also called “analytics”. These cookies are used for statistical purposes only, to collect aggregate data, and do not allow the identification of the user. Analytics cookies can also be third-party cookies (Google Analytics), for which the reader should refer to the corresponding owner’s privacy policy.


Profiling cookies have the purpose to provide a better user experience on the WEBSITE, by suggesting content that corresponds to the user’s preferences selected during navigation, based on viewed content and other user-related parameters. Users can choose to disable single cookies of the WEBSITE by selecting the appropriate settings on their browser. In this case, users might not be able to use all features of the WEBSITE.


The WEBSITE uses external features or contains links to external websites, for the purpose to provide better integration with third-party websites of common use, and a better social experience within the WEBSITE (i.e. Facebook, Google etc. sharing buttons). These features and links may require the use of third party cookies, for which the reader should refer to the corresponding owner’s privacy policy.


The use of cookies can be disabled by changing the browser settings. Below are some examples related to the most common browsers.

Internet Explorer Select Tools in the menu bar Click on Internet Options Select the General tab, under “Browsing history”, and click on “Clear”

Firefox Select Tools in the menu Click on Options Select the Privacy panel Click on “Clear now” Select “Cookies” Click on “Clear private data now”

Google Chrome Click in the menu Click on “Options” Click on “Under the Hood” Click on “Content settings” in the Privacy section Click on “Clear browsing data”

Safari Select the Safari settings menu (top right in the browser) and click on Preferences In the panel, select “Security” (lock-shaped icon) Click on “Never” under “Accept cookies”